Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May 7th

Hello Everyone who sees my blog! This is my first day blogging. Today I hope to be back up here posting more stuff, but I have to work and as a teacher the last three weeks of school are the longest/hardest/most exhausting three weeks of one's life :-) Cross your fingers I get this blog set up today.



Bess A. said...

Wow! Your stuff is really good. I haven't met Josh, so I guess I didn't know much about his pottery, but it looks like you guys do amazing collaborative work!

I knew you were a tremendous seamstress, but I didn't know you had such sculptural artistic ability! The carvings here and on your etsy site are really sophisticated!

Sagerocky said...

thanks bess! I hope some time soon I can make it up or you can make it down for a reunion.


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